Getting Started

Since dProtect is based on Proguard, it relies on the same integration mechanism.

In particular, there is this official documentation on the Guardsquare’s website: ProGuard manual: Quick Start

Compared to the Proguard integration, there are a few differences for using dProtect in your project.

Android Gradle project

Within an Android Gradle project, one can integrate dProtect by first adding the Github’s Maven repository associated to dProtect:

buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven {
          url = uri("")
    dependencies {
        classpath 're.obfuscator:dprotect-gradle:1.0.0'

Even if the packages are public, you need to generate a github token to access GitHub Maven Packages:

buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven {
          url = uri("")
          credentials {
              username = "your-username"
              password = "the-token"
    dependencies {
        classpath 're.obfuscator:dprotect-gradle:1.0.0'

The generated token must have the repo scope enabled. You can also look at the GitHub documentation for the details: Using a published package.

Then, in the build.gradle of the application, we can instantiate the Gradle plugin and define the dProtect configuration block:

apply plugin: ''
apply plugin: 're.obfuscator.dprotect'

android {
  compileSdkVersion 30
  buildTypes {
    release {
        minifyEnabled false // Prevent using r8
    debug {
        minifyEnabled false // Prevent using r8

dProtect {
    configurations {
      release {
          defaultConfiguration 'proguard-android-optimize.txt'
          defaultConfiguration 'proguard-android.txt'
          configuration        ''
          configuration        ''
      debug {
          defaultConfiguration 'proguard-android.txt'
          configuration        ''

The dProtect configuration block is exactly the same as the proguard{...} block. This block has been renamed from proguard to dProtect to avoid conflicts and errors.

The *.pro files referenced in the configuration block follow the same syntax as Proguard and we can transparently use the original Proguard files since dProtect is – first and foremost – an extension of Proguard.

Maven Central
dProtect packages are currently only hosted on the Github’s Maven repository but they will also be uploaded on Maven Central once the integration model is validated.


dProtect comes also as a standalone package that can be used independently of Android, Gradle, and its plugin. Typically, we can run dProtect on a .jar archive as follows:

$                     \
  -injars ./my-sdk.jar            \
  -outjar ./my-obfuscated-sdk.jar \

This standalone run can be useful to protect a third-party SDK for which we only have the .aar/.jar archive.

Indeed, since dProtect/ProGuard are working on the Java bytecode to obfuscate and optimize the code, we don’t need the original source code of the archive to apply an obfuscation scheme.


You can download the standalone archive on the release page of dProtect: open-obfuscator/dprotect/releases

You can also download the nightly package here: