Control-Flow Obfuscation

public static boolean test1(int x) {boolean True = x == 1;boolean False = x * x - 1 != (x - 1) * (x + 1);return x == 1 ? True : False;}

The control-flow graph of a function is a representation of the elementary computational blocks and the conditions to reach them. This representation is usually an early step in the decompilation process.

For instance, let’s consider the isWithXor function implemented in the class of the project Password4j:

private boolean isWithXor(int pass)
    return !(pass == 0 || version == ARGON2_VERSION_10);

Once compiled, we get this flat representation of its bytecode:

private boolean isWithXor(int pass) {
  L0 {
    iload 1
    ifeq L1
    aload 0 // reference to self
    getfield com/password4j/Argon2Function.version:int
    bipush 16
    if_icmpeq L1
    goto L2
  L1 {
  L2 {

The control-flow graph of this function is represented in the following figure in which we can observe the two conditions that lead to the return of true (iconst_1) or false (iconst_0)

Control-Flow graph of isWithXor

In the end, decompilers can use this representation to generate code or pseudo code that is close to the original implementation:

CodeSmaliObfuscatedResourcesAPK signatureSummarySource[], int)intattachBaseContext(int, int)intdbdaObject[]badbooleancom.password4jcom.sample.password4j.apkArgon2FunctionViewFileNavigationHelpToolspackage com.password4j;public class Argon2Function extends AbstractHashingFunction {  private boolean isWithXor(int pass) {    return (pass == 0 || this.version == 16) ? false : true;  }}

When the control flow is obfuscated, the output of the decompilation is less readable and the logic of the function takes more time to be reverse-engineered:

CodeSmaliObfuscatedResourcesAPK signatureSummarySource[], int)intattachBaseContext(int, int)intdbdaObject[]badbooleancom.password4jcom.sample.password4j.apkArgon2FunctionViewFileNavigationHelpToolspackage com.password4j;public class Argon2Function extends AbstractHashingFunction {  private boolean isWithXor(int i) {    if (i != 0) {      for (int i2 = this.version; i2 != 16; i2 = 1) {        if ((a + 1) % 2 != 0) {          return true;        }      }    }    return false;  }}
CodeSmaliObfuscatedResourcesAPK signatureSummarySource[], int)intattachBaseContext(int, int)intdbdaObject[]badbooleancom.password4jcom.sample.password4j.apkArgon2FunctionViewFileNavigationHelpToolspackage com.password4j;public class Argon2Function extends AbstractHashingFunction {  private boolean isWithXor(int pass) {    return (pass == 0 || this.version == 16) ? false : true;  }}

When to use it?

You can use this obfuscation pass for methods that have sensitive logic in terms of input/output processing. Usually, this protection should be enabled class-wide to provide a good level of protection.

In addition, it is usually a good practice to obfuscate functions that are close to your (real) sensitive function for introducing confusion about where the sensitive logic is located.

In other words, if you obfuscate only one function among several, reverse engineers will likely focus on this single protected function.

How to use it?

You can trigger this pass with the option: -obfuscate-control-flow:

-obfuscate-control-flow class com.password4j.Argon2Function { *; }
-obfuscate-control-flow class com.dprotect.** { *; }

In its current form, this pass takes a class specifier as argument and does not have extra modifiers. We highly recommend combining this pass with other obfuscation passes like Arithmetic Obfuscation and Constants Obfuscation.

With these additional passes the previous isWithXor() function is more complicated to reverse:

CodeSmaliObfuscatedResourcesAPK signatureSummarySource[], int)intattachBaseContext(int, int)intdbdaObject[]badbooleancom.password4jcom.sample.password4j.apkArgon2FunctionViewFileNavigationHelpToolspackage com.password4j;public class Argon2Function extends AbstractHashingFunction {    private boolean isWithXor(int i) {      if (i != 0) {        int i2 = this.version;        long[] jArr = b;        if (i2 != (((int) jArr[12]) ^ 1597221156)) {          boolean z = ((int) jArr[2]) ^ 1626592579;          int i3     = ((int) jArr[49]) ^ 240201901;          a = i3;          int i4 = ((i3 * i3) + i3) + (((int) jArr[10]) ^ 183466799)              i4 = i4 % (((int) jArr[11]) ^ 1817805206);          return z;        }      }      return ((int) b[1]) ^ 1392894933;    }}
CodeSmaliObfuscatedResourcesAPK signatureSummarySource[], int)intattachBaseContext(int, int)intdbdaObject[]badbooleancom.password4jcom.sample.password4j.apkArgon2FunctionViewFileNavigationHelpToolspackage com.password4j;public class Argon2Function extends AbstractHashingFunction {  private boolean isWithXor(int pass) {    return (pass == 0 || this.version == 16) ? false : true;  }}


In its current form, this protection works by targeting the GOTO #offset instructions. Basically, the idea is to use an opaque predicate to create an opaque condition on the (unconditional) goto:

We can target these instructions by using a Proguard’s InstructionVisitor in which we override the visitBranchInstruction method:

public class ControlFlowObfuscation
implements   ClassVisitor,

    public void visitAnyInstruction(...)
      /* Do nothing, only target branches */

    public void visitBranchInstruction(Clazz             clazz,
                                       Method            method,
                                       CodeAttribute     codeAttribute,
                                       int               offset,
                                       BranchInstruction branch)
    // ...

Within the visitBranchInstruction method, we can filter the GOTO instructions and replace them with an opaque block:

void visitBranchInstruction(...) {
  // Only target GOTO instructions
  if (branch.opcode != Instruction.OP_GOTO) {

  // Create instructions builder
  // This is more or less the equivalent of llvm::IRBuilder
  InstructionSequenceBuilder ____ =
      new InstructionSequenceBuilder((ProgramClass)clazz);

  // Create the opaque predicate {
  // }

  // Create the opaque condition {
  ____.ifne(branch.branchOffset) // <--- ALWAYS TAKEN
      .goto(???)                 // <--- NEVER TAKEN
  // }

For the opaque predicates, the pass uses well-known equations:

  1. $(X + 1) \neq 0 \mod 2$ when $X$ is even
  2. $X^2 + X + 7 \neq 0 \mod 81$
  3. $7X^2 - 1 - X \neq 0$

These equations are randomly chosen upon a GOTO replacement. Then, this opaque predicate is followed by two created instructions:

void visitBranchInstruction(...) {

On the ifne instruction, because of the previous opaque predicates that are always returning a non-zero value, the condition is true and it jumps to the original goto offset: branch.branchOffset.

On the other hand, there is still a pending question about the offset of the never-taken .goto(???)?

In a first attempt, we can create (along with the opaque instructions) a new block that would perform useless computations since it’s never reached:

CodeAttributeEditor.Label OPAQUE_BLOCK = codeAttributeEditor.label();


This approach works well but it has some drawbacks:

1. Overhead

For one goto replaced, the pass introduces: sizeof(Opaque Predicate) + sizeof(ifne) + sizeof(goto) + sizeof(OPAQUE_BLOCK) of new instructions

2. (Non) Confusion

With this approach, the code generated is not really confusing for the decompilers and once the opaque predicates are identified, it would quite easy to get rid of them.

Ideally, it could be better to goto an already-existing instruction:

Java is far less permissive than native code for introducing inconsistent code. In particular, we can’t jump anywhere in the current method as it could be inconsistent with the expected stack frame.

Because of the Java bytecode verifier, we can goto into an existing offset, only where the stack frame and the local frame match the current one.

To better understand this restriction, let’s consider the following bytecode in which the last column traces the status of the stack after the instruction:

// int var = 1 + 2;
# | Inst     | Stack (after)
0 | nop      | -
1 | iconst_1 | Int(1)
2 | iconst_2 | Int(1), Int(2)
3 | iadd     | Int(3)
4 | istore_1 | -
5 | goto +4  | -

Since the layout of the stack before executing the goto +4 is empty, we can only jump to index 1 where the stack is also empty.

// int var = 1 + 2;
# | Inst     | Stack (after)
0 | nop      | -      <---------+
1 | iconst_1 | Int(1)           |
2 | iconst_2 | Int(1), Int(2)   |
3 | iadd     | Int(3)           |
4 | istore_1 | -                |
5 | goto +4  | -         -------+

Therefore, to correctly goto a valid offset, we must be able to determine the stack frame (and the local frame) for the different instructions of the bytecode.

This computation can be performed with the PartialEvaluator available in ProguardCORE. The purpose of this component and how it works is described in the official documentation of ProguardCORE: Data flow analysis with partial evaluation.

In the context of this obfuscation pass, we are using the PartialEvaluator to identify all the instructions for which the stack/local frame matches the current one associated with the obfuscated goto. For the details, you can check out the FrameFinder class in the file

In the case where we can’t find a suitable offset to goto, the pass fallback in the creation of an opaque block (OPAQUE_BLOCK).


This pass is currently limited to the goto instructions. This means that if the method does not have at least one goto, the method won’t be protected by the pass.

In addition, I guess that the opaque predicates could be pattern-matched and potentially simplified. Nevertheless, at the time of writing and as far I know, it does not exist public tools/scripts that could be used to recover the original control flow.
