LLVM Objects#


class omvll.Module#

This class mirrors llvm::Module

property data_layout#

Get the data layout string for the module’s target platform.

dump(self: omvll.Module, file: str) None#

This function dumps the IR instructions of the current module in the file provided in the second parameter.

property identifier#
property instruction_count#

The number of non-debug IR instructions in the module.

property name#

The short “name” of this module

property source_filename#

The source filename of the module


class omvll.Function#

This class mirrors llvm::Function

property demangled_name#

The demangled name of the function. For instance:

  • _JNIEnv::NewStringUTF(char const*)

  • main

property name#

The (mangled) name of the function. For instance:

  • _ZN7_JNIEnv12NewStringUTFEPKc

  • main


class omvll.Struct#

This class mirrors llvm::StructType

property name#

The name of the structure or the class.

For instance:

  • struct.std::__ndk1::basic_string<char>

  • struct._JNIEnv

  • struct.JNINativeInterface

  • class.SecretString


class omvll.GlobalVariable#

This class mirrors llvm::GlobalVariable

property demangled_name#

The demangled name of the global variable.

property name#

The mangled name of the global variable.