Getting Started

O-MVLL is an AArch64 obfuscator designed to work with Android and iOS toolchains. Theoretically, it could be run as simply as using the -fpass-plugin= compiler flag:

# Create/edit './' to configure the obfuscator and run:
$ clang -fpass-plugin=OMVLL.{so, dylib} main.c -o main

Practically, there are additional configuration steps.

O-MVLL Configuration File

Firstly, the O-MVLL Python configuration file is not always located next to the clang binary and we might want to change the name of the file.

By default, O-MVLL tries to import from the current directory in which clang is called. If this file can’t be resolved, it raises the following error:

error: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'omvll_config'
make: *** [Makefile:31: strings.bin] Error 1

To get rid of both limitations: the name of the Python file and the location of the file, one can set the OMVLL_CONFIG environment variable to the full path of your custom configuration file:

export OMVLL_CONFIG=~/project/obfu/
clang -fpass-plugin=OMVLL.{so, dylib} main.c -o main

The O-MVLL configuration file must implements at least one function: omvll_get_config

import omvll

def omvll_get_config() -> omvll.ObfuscationConfig:
    Return an instance of `ObfuscationConfig` which
    aims at describing the obfuscation scheme

This function is called by the pass plugin to access the obfuscation scheme defined by the user. Since the instance of the configuration must be unique, we highly recommend wrapping this function with the @functools.lru_cache decorator:

import omvll
from functools import lru_cache

def omvll_get_config() -> omvll.ObfuscationConfig:
    Return an instance of `ObfuscationConfig` which
    aims at describing the obfuscation scheme
    return MyConfig()

This decorator is used to get a singleton which simplifies the management of a global variable.

Then, the configuration of the obfuscations relies on implementing a class inheriting from omvll.ObfuscationConfig:

import omvll
from functools import lru_cache

class MyConfig(omvll.ObfuscationConfig):
    def __init__(self):

def omvll_get_config() -> omvll.ObfuscationConfig:
    Return an instance of `ObfuscationConfig` which
    aims at describing the obfuscation scheme
    return MyConfig()

MyConfig is the class that contains all the logic to define and configure the obfuscation scheme. For instance, we can trigger the strings encoding pass by implementing the function obfuscate_string:

class MyConfig(omvll.ObfuscationConfig):
    def __init__(self):

    def obfuscate_string(self, module: omvll.Module, func: omvll.Function,
                               string: bytes):

        if func.demangled_name == "Hello::say_hi()":
            return True

        if "debug.cpp" in
            return "<REMOVED>"

        return False

Python Standard Library

O-MVLL is statically linked with the Python VM. This static link allows us to not require a specific version of Python installed on the system. On the other hand, the Python VM requires a path to the directory where the Python Standard Library is installed (e.g. /usr/lib/python3.10/).

If the directory of the Python Standard Library can’t be resolved, O-MVLL will raise an error like this:

Fatal Python error: init_fs_encoding: failed to get the Python codec of the filesystem encoding
Python runtime state: core initialized
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'encodings'

Current thread 0x00007f612cb48040 (most recent call first):
  <no Python frame>

If this error is triggered, we can download the Python source code associated with the version used in O-MVLL and set the environment variable OMVLL_PYTHONPATH to the Lib/ directory.

Here is an example with Python 3.10:

curl -LO
tar xzvf Python-3.10.7.tgz

export OMVLL_PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)/Python-3.10.7/Lib
clang -fpass-plugin=OMVLL.{so, dylib} main.c -o main

YAML Configuration File

Setting environment variables is not always easy, especially with IDE like Xcode and Android Studio.

For this reason, O-MVLL is also aware of an omvll.yml file that would be present in the directories from the root / to the current working directory.

For instance, if the compiler is called from:


O-MVLL will check if a file omvll.yml is present in the following paths:


If this file exists, it will load the following keys:

OMVLL_CONFIG:     "<mirror of $OMVLL_CONFIG>"

Android NDK

The toolchain provided by the Android NDK is based on LLVM and linked with libc++. To avoid ABI issues, O-MVLL (and its dependencies) are also compiled and linked using libc++.

Most of the Linux distributions provide by default the GNU C++ standard library, aka libstdc++, and not the LLVM-based standard library, libc++.

Since is not usually installed on the system, when clang tries to dynamically load, it fails with the following error:

$ clang -fpass-plugin=./ main.c -o main
Could not load library './': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

To prevent this error, we must add the NDK directory that contains and in the list of the lookup directories. This can be done by setting the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH:


<NDK_HOME> is the root directory of the NDK. If the NDK is installed along with the Android SDK, it should be located in $ANDROID_HOME/ndk/24.0.8215888 for the version 24.0.8215888.

Gradle Integration

Within an Android project, we can setup O-MVLL by using the cppFlags, cFlags attributes in the ExternalNativeCmakeOptions DSL block:

android {
    compileSdkVersion 30
    ndkVersion        "25.0.8775105"
    buildTypes {
      release {
        ndk.abiFilters 'arm64-v8a' // Force ARM64
        externalNativeBuild {
          cmake {
            cppFlags '-fpass-plugin=<path>/'
            cFlags   '-fpass-plugin=<path>/'

There are important options associated with this configuration:

  • ndkVersion must match the NDK version for which O-MVLL has been downloaded.
  • ndk.abiFilters must always be 'arm64-v8a' since O-MVLL only supports this architecture.

In addition, we might need to satisfy the environment variables mentioned previously (LD_LIBRARY_PATH, OMVLL_CONFIG, …).

To expose these variables, we can create an environment file, omvll.env, that defines the variables and which is sourced before running Gradle or Android Studio:

# File: omvll.env
export NDK_VERSION=25.0.8775105
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${ANDROID_HOME}/ndk/${NDK_VERSION}/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/lib64
export OMVLL_CONFIG=$(pwd)/app/
export OMVLL_PYTHONPATH=$HOME/path/python/Python-3.10.7/Lib
source ./omvll.env
$ ./gradlew assembleRelease
# Or Android Studio:

In the end, the Android project might follow this layout:

├── app
│   ├── build.gradle
│   ├──
│   └── src
├── build.gradle
├── gradle
│   └── wrapper
├── gradlew
├── omvll.env
└── settings.gradle

Alternatively, you could also create an omvll.yml file next to the omvll.env but the LD_LIBRARY_PATH still needs to be set.

Android NDK (WSL)

Preparing the WSL for commandline Android development

Based on this article WSL for Developers!: Installing the Android SDK

Installing OpenJDK and Gradle

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk-headless gradle
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64

Installing Android Command Line Tools

cd ~ # Make sure you are at home!
curl -o /tmp/
mkdir -p android/cmdline-tools
unzip -q -d android/cmdline-tools /tmp/
mv android/cmdline-tools/cmdline-tools android/cmdline-tools/latest
rm /tmp/ # delete the zip file (optional)

Setting up environment variables

You could possibly join include these lines in omvll.env file:

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64
export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/android
export PATH=${ANDROID_HOME}/cmdline-tools/latest/bin:${ANDROID_HOME}/platform-tools:${ANDROID_HOME}/tools:${ANDROID_HOME}/tools/bin:${PATH}

Accepting SDK licenses

You will find sdkmanager in /tools/bin/sdkmanager:

yes | sdkmanager --licenses

Installing SDK components

  • pay attention to use ndk version matching the downloaded obfuscator (I used 25.0.8775105 -
./sdkmanager --update
./sdkmanager "platforms;android-31" "build-tools;31.0.0" "ndk;25.0.8775105" "platform-tools"


  • adjust path to obfuscator binary, change ’tom’ to your username:
externalNativeBuild {
    cmake {
        cppFlags "-std=c++14 -frtti -fexceptions


export NDK_VERSION=25.0.8775105
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/tom/android/ndk/${NDK_VERSION}/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/lib64
export OMVLL_CONFIG=/mnt/c/Users/tom/path-to-project/
export OMVLL_PYTHONPATH=/mnt/c/Users/tom/path-to-project/Python-3.10.7/Lib

I needed to adjust the line with sdk.dir in the file:



I ran into this issue when running gradlew,

env: bash\r: No such file or directory

The following change helped me:

vim gradlew
:set fileformat=unix


gradlew clean build, gradlew assembleRelease, or whatever you like :)


Using O-MVLL with Xcode is a bit easier than Android since we don’t need to deal with different libstdc++/libc++. To enable O-MVLL, one needs to set the following in Xcode:

Build Settings > Apple Clang - Custom Compiler Flags > Other C/C++ Flags

and add -fpass-plugin=<path>/omvll_xcode_15_2.dylib. For versions targeting Xcode 14.5 and lower, the legacy pass manager needs to be disabled as well via -fno-legacy-pass-manager.

Finally, we can create an omvll.yml file next to the *.xcodeproj file which defines OMVLL_PYTHONPATH and OMVLL_CONFIG.

Et voila :)

OMVLL_PYTHONPATH: "/Users/romain/Downloads/Python-3.10.8/Lib"
OMVLL_CONFIG:     "/Users/romain/dev/ios-app/demo/omvll_conf/"

Code Completion

The PyPI package omvll can be used to get code completion while using O-MVLL:

$ python -m pip install [--user] omvll

O-MVLL Code Completion

Requirements and Limitations

Cross Compilation

O-MVLL is currently tested and CI-compiled for the following configurations:

  • Android NDK: (Linux Debian Stretch)
  • iOS: macOS 14.5 (arm64 & x86-64)
In particular, we did not test and we do not provide O-MVLL for cross-compiling Android projects on OSX and Windows

Nightly Packages

There is a CI for O-MVLL. For all builds, the packages are nightly uploaded at the following addresses:

Thus, one can enjoy a beta version before waiting for a final release.

Environment Variables

Environment VariableDescription
OMVLL_PYTHONPATHPath to the Python Standard Library (which contains
OMVLL_CONFIGPath to the O-MVLL Configuration file (default is ./


OMVLL_PYTHONPATHPath to the Python Standard Library (which contains
OMVLL_CONFIGPath to the O-MVLL Configuration file (default is ./
OMVLL_PYTHONPATH: "<path>/Python-3.10.8/Lib"
OMVLL_CONFIG:     "<path>/"