
Hooking is used for hijacking a function call to observe or change the parameters and the return value of the hijacked function. You should protect a function against hooking if the parameters of the function are sensitive.

For instance, let’s consider the following snippet:

void encrypt(char key[16]) {

The function encrypt() should be protected against hooking otherwise an attacker could easily observe the effective value of the key parameter when the function is called.

Similarly, if the value returned by the function is sensitive then, you should also protect your function.

bool has_secure_enclave() {

When to use it?

You should enable this protecting for all your sensitive functions. This pass introduces a very low overhead while still being efficient against Frida.

How to use it?

In the O-MVLL configuration file, this protection can be enabled by defining the following method:

def anti_hooking(self, mod: omvll.Module, func: omvll.Function) -> omvll.AntiHookOpt:
    if in ["encrypt", "has_secure_enclave"]:
        return True
    return False


Usually, hooking frameworks need a scratch register to relocate or access metadata associated with the function currently hooked. In the case of Frida, the relocator needs one of the x16, x17 registers as we can see in gumarm64relocator.c

if (available_scratch_reg != NULL)
  gboolean x16_used, x17_used;
  guint insn_index;

  x16_used = FALSE;
  x17_used = FALSE;
  if (!x16_used)
     *available_scratch_reg = ARM64_REG_X16;
   else if (!x17_used)
     *available_scratch_reg = ARM64_REG_X17;
     *available_scratch_reg = ARM64_REG_INVALID;

If the prologue of the function starts with instructions that used these two registers, Frida fails to hook the function. Let’s consider the following Frida script:

Interceptor.attach(Module.getExportByName('omvll_test.bin', 'hook_me'), {
  onEnter(args) {
    console.log("Yes I hooked you!")
  onLeave(retval) {
    console.log("Frida exit from hook_me()")

If the prologue of hook_me() starts by using x16 and x17, Frida raises the following error:

$ frida  --file=/data/local/tmp/omvll_test.bin --load=./test.js --stdio=pipe --no-pause
    / _  |   Frida 15.1.17 - A world-class dynamic instrumentation toolkit
   | (_| |
    > _  |   Commands:
   /_/ |_|       help      -> Displays the help system
   . . . .       object?   -> Display information about 'object'
   . . . .       exit/quit -> Exit
   . . . .
   . . . .   More info at
Spawning `/data/local/tmp/omvll_test.bin`...
Spawned `/data/local/tmp/omvll_test.bin`. Resuming main thread!
Error: unable to intercept function at 0x623d443158; please file a bug
    at value (frida/runtime/core.js:316)
    at <eval> (/test.js:19)

On the O-MVLL implementation hand side, it works by setting a custom prologue to the llvm::Function that must be protected:

bool AntiHook::runOnFunction(llvm::Function &F) {
  std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> Buffer = ...;
  auto* Int8Ty = Type::getInt8Ty(F.getContext());
  auto* Prologue = ConstantDataVector::getRaw(
                    Buffer->getBuffer(), Buffer->getBufferSize(), Int8Ty);

  return true;

The prologue injected by the pass is located in a MemoryBuffer that is generated thanks to the O-MVLL’s JIT engine (based on LLVM ORCv2). With this Jitter, it generates the raw stub as follows:

std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> Buffer = jitter->jitAsm(
    mov x17, x17;
    mov x16, x16;

This API is modular enough to dynamically JIT different stubs.


The current implementation does not use a strong binding between the custom anti-hooking prologue and the original function. It means that an attacker could patch the prologue of the function to remove the instructions that trigger the Frida error.

In its current form, the stub injected in the prologue of the functions only prevents Frida from hooking a user-controlled function. In particular, this pass is not able to protect against hooking on imported functions (like fopen, read etc) and does not prevent other hooking frameworks like Dobby from working correctly.

If hooking really matters, we strongly recommend adding another detection layer to perform enhanced checks based – for instance – on the artifacts left by the different hooking frameworks.

Origin of this pass

I actually experienced this limitation of Frida while reverse-engineering SafetyNet/DroidGuard.

The bytecode of the VM performs – at some point – an integrity check of the code using SHA-1 from OpenSSL. The implementation of this hash algorithm in OpenSSL is partially based on a raw assembly stub, in which the function sha1_block_data_order() begins as follows in crypto/sha/asm/

  ldr  x16,  .LOPENSSL_armcap_P
  adr  x17,  .LOPENSSL_armcap_P
  add  x16,  x16, x17
  ldr  w16,  [x16]
  tst  w16,  #ARMV8_SHA1 .Lv8_entry